Free assessment Papers
Below are a selection of free 11 Plus assessment papers to download.
Our 11 Plus assessment papers are completely free. However to access our free downloads, you need to register and log-in. Don’t worry, the registration is free! Once you have registered, the download button will be enabled on all the downloads shown below.

Antonym and Synonym crossword
A fun way to get use to Antonyms and Synonyms
Synonyms and Antonyms are commonly found in 11 plus exams.
Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning and Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning.
- Synonyms
- blunt= dull
- placid=calm
- Antonyms
- borrow= lend
- horizontal=vertical

Some of the english exams (for example Birmingham King Edward and Consortium Exam) in the past few years have included a “Cloze Test”, commonly called “fill-in-the-blanks”. This question consists of text with certain words removed, where the student is asked to replace the missing alphabets and spell the word correctly. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text and also spell it correctly. And there is no EASY way to prepare for this except practice, practice and practice!
This worksheet provides 50 short passages for this test. 11PlusDIY online database includes hundreds of such questions.

This is a sample 10 Plus VR paper ideal to start preparation for Verbal Reasoning. This paper has been graded as easier in a number of ways:

Mock test for Mathematics covering all 11Plus essentials. This can be done as a standard test or as a multiple choice test using the answer sheet. All answers and explanations are included. The test has 60 questions. Recommended time is 50 minutes. The average marks for this test is 70%.

Online 11 Plus Mock Exams
We were the first to provide 11 Plus Online Mock Exams. Each Exam is written for that sitting and we provide performance reports to help Parents and Students to understand strengths and weaknesses. Our exams are challenging, provide a fair assessment of a Student, building confidence, speed and understanding.

Mock test for Mathematics covering all 11Plus essential syllabus. This is a multiple choice question paper. All answers and explanations are included.

Mock test for Non Verbal Reasoning covering all 11 Plus essential syllabus. This is a multiple choice question paper. All answers and explanations are included.

This is a Non-Verbal Reasoning Test with 40 questions. Answers are also provided.

This is a Non-Verbal Reasoning Test with 40 questions. Answers are also provided.

11 Plus Classroom Mock Exams
11PlusDIY are the UK’s largest provider of 11 Plus Mock Exams. We show parents the Mock Exam papers after our Mock exams. We provide Mock Exam results within two days of the exam. This allows parents and students to work through difficult areas together after the exam.
11PlusDIY will provide 200 events nationwide and help over 5,000 each year students prepare to take the exam.

Sample NVR test with 25 questions of type-3 (Rotational symmetry).

In Letters for Letters codes, candidates are shown a word, along with its representation in a code, which looks like a random combination of letters. They are then shown another word and asked to find the way this word is shown in the same code.
This crossword is great fun.

The most challenging of all NVR questions are the “cube” questions as they are based on 3D spatial imagination which can only come with practice. This sample test contains 45 questions all based on cubes and nets.
The only way to master these questions is by practice. 11PlusDIY online question bank contains thousands of cube and net questions and all their variants.

Mock test for Verbal Reasoning covering all 11Plus essential syllabus. This is a multiple choice question paper. All answers and explanations are included.
In the following question, find the two words, one from each group, that together make a new, real word. The word from the
first group always comes first. Select the two answers from the choices provided on the answer sheet.

11 Plus Assessment Online Preparation
Practising 11 Plus questions and techniques is the best way to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the 11 Plus syllabus to be ready for the real exam.
With over 21,000 new questions available now, 11PlusDIY on line testing must be the first choice when it comes to 11 Plus preparation.

Full length test with 50 questions of different types. If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know.
More tests of this type and worksheets for VR practice are available in our Free Download area. You can also buy and instantly download (as PDF) more papers of this type from our on-line Shop.

Sample question for Verbal Reasoning Type-A.
In the following question, find the one letter that will complete the word in front of the brackets and begin the word after the brackets. The same letter must fit into both sets of brackets.

In the following questions, find the two words that are different from the other three.
More tests of this type and worksheets for VR practice are available in our Free Download area. You can also buy and instantly download (as PDF) more papers of this type from our on-line Shop.

Sample questions for Verbal Reasoning Type-C.
If the code for ‘FUND’ is ‘ETMC’ then what is the code for ‘LIED’ ?
More tests of this type and worksheets for VR practice are available in our Free Download area. You can also buy and instantly download (as PDF) more papers of this type from our on-line Shop.
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Sample questions for Verbal Reasoning Type-D.
In the following questions, find two words, one from each group that are most similar in meaning.
More tests of this type and worksheets for VR practice are available in our Free Download area. You can also buy and instantly download (as PDF) more papers of this type from our on-line Shop.

Sample questions for Verbal Reasoning Type-E.
In the following question, you are given a sentence in which a four letter word is hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word. Find the pair of words that contain a real four letter word and write the four letter word in the answer.
After that his cold was better.
More tests of this type and worksheets for VR practice are available in our Free Download area. You can also buy and instantly download (as PDF) more papers of this type from our on-line Shop.